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Super Patches

patch use for everything

Super Patches

Super Patch uses Vibrotactile Technology (VTT), which involves the use of specific patterns and frequencies embedded in the patch that interact with the body’s nervous system. When the patch comes into contact with the skin, these patterns stimulate the brain through neural pathways, promoting balance and enhancing the body’s natural functions. This technology is designed to support various aspects of health, such as improving focus, reducing pain, enhancing mobility, and providing emotional support. VTT is a non-invasive, drug-free approach that can be easily integrated into daily life to improve overall well-being.

super metabolic burning calories
Scale with app for optimal tracking

INEVIFIT SMART BODY FAT SCALE, Highly Accurate Bluetooth Digital Bathroom Body Composition Analyzer, Measures Weight, Body Fat, Water, Muscle, BMI, Visceral Fat & Bone Mass for Unlimited Users

Focus for kids and adults Improved Focus  Remember Zone Remember more  Stay in the Zone Stay in the Zone  Drug Free Drug-Free
focus for kids and adults , autism, add, adhd, college students, focus

Ignite Your Calorie Burning Furnace ~ Natural support to help you deal with calories like never before 

Optimize Your Resting Metabolic Rate.

RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) is how many calories you burn at rest, sleep, work or even sitting!

With the Ignite Super Patch, a 100% natural solution, optimize the burn. Better than calorie counting!

Balancing calories consumed and calories burned are key factors for maintaining weight. Ignite Patch is a noninvasive and drug free technology that may help to support energy consumption. Combined with a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle Ignite may enhance your efforts in achieving optimum weight management.

Disclaimer: This product does not have a medical purpose but is intended to improve general wellness. The effect has not yet been scientifically proven but is based on user reports and experience.


Promotes Smart Energy Consumption.

Money-Back Guarantee

Take Your Focus Back

Eliminate Distractions. Find Your Focus

Find Your Success

Focus Like A Laser Beam

The Focus Patch is a noninvasive and drug-free technology that may improve general wellness through vibrotactile stimulation that may allow users to naturally experience improved focus and clarity.

Improved Focus

Remember more

Stay in the Zone


Shop with a Risk-Free, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


Focus Patch

Focus is the key to playing, learning, and creating. Distractions and challenges focusing can take the fun and performance out of what we want to do in school or elsewhere. The Focus Patch is a noninvasive and drug-free technology that may improve general wellness through vibrotactile stimulation that may allow users to naturally experience improved focus and clarity.

Disclaimer: This product does not have a medical purpose but is intended to improve general wellness. The effect has not yet been scientifically proven but is based on user reports and experience.

Reduce Stress Reduce Stress  Calmness Calmness  Drug Free Drug-Free

Peace Patch

Stress is an enemy to our quality of life. Dealing with it has never been easier. The Peace Patch is a non-invasive and drug-free technology that may improve general wellness through vibrotactile stimulation allowing users to naturally experience improved clarity and calmness.

                                                                           From Super Patch Website


Evelyn Horlacher

My colleague was major stressed yesterday. I offered her a Peace patch. She later confided in me that she had been on antidepressants for 10 years and had never felt this type of relief. She was blown away by the results. She shared with another colleague, who then approached me for more info.


Elaine Trites

I was extremely worried about my father during the hurricane as it was supposed to hit his area will fill force. The Peace patch helped me get through the day and then I added the REM patch and slept through the storm as it raged around us! WOW


Sue Hansen

I have been updating my hubby’s journey with Parkinson’s over the last 3 yrs and what Voxxlife products have done for him. The Freedom patch has been a lifesaving. Most with Parkinson’s have pain issues which seem to intensify due to the disease. The Freedom patch has given him a new lease in life. With all the struggles he’s has to endure this patch has given him the relief needed to go through his days with less pain. Another issue that affects those with Parkinson’s is depression, and anxiety. His days were fill worriedness that he slept his days away. It’s been weeks since wearing the Peace patch and a huge difference has occurred. His days are filled with laughter and peace. He no longer sleeps his days away. He always seems to find something to do. Our next step is to use the Flow patch which will help with cognitive decline. These patches, Liberty, Defend, Freedom and Peace have given him the wellness he needs daily to function with his Parkinson’s. I’m grateful daily for Jay and his team at Voxxlife for the development of these amazing products. Thank you. ❤️


Stacey Hall

Thank you, Jay, for the Freedom patch. Wore it before, during, and after oral surgery. No pain! Wore the Peace patch and Boomhi socks. No stress. Wore both the Liberty and Victory patches. Recovered quickly. Wore the Defend patch. Feel protected!💯


Stacey Hall

Thank you, Jay, for the Freedom patch. Wore it before, during, and after oral surgery. No pain! Wore the Peace patch and Boomhi socks. No stress. Wore both the Liberty and Victory patches. Recovered quickly. Wore the Defend patch. Feel protected!💯


Diane Dinkmeyer

I have to tell you about the Peace Patch. If you have or are dealing with someone with cognitive decline, you know how stressful it can be. When I am wearing my peace patch, nothing "gets" to me and I am a better wife and caregiver. Thanks Jay. Yep, they DO work.


Melissa Wolfe

Last night my husband Jim told me he loves this patch. Wednesday he had multiple people at work asking him for things they needed while others seemed to blame him for various situations. To say his day was highly frustrating and stressful would be putting it mildly. By the time he got home he seemed to have it under control 😉 We've all been there right? While making his lunch he set something down then had trouble locating it again. All of the stress and frustration came bubbling to the surface again...that's when I grabbed the Peace patch and applied it. Within a half hour his stress level came down to manageable levels; within an hour it was gone. When he got home from work I asked him how he did and he said the patch definitely helped him make it through the day. This morning before leaving for work he asked if he could have another patch. That's a HUGE win in my book.


Theresa Z.

Freedom from Pain! I was bragging not too long ago about how I had a rotator cuff injury in my shoulder when I was introduced to Voxx socks in January 2018. After a few months of consistency with wearing my socks and insoles, I unexpectedly discovered my shoulder to be healed almost 100%! My doctor was impressed too! Fast forward to August 2022. After over 4 years of wearing ALL Voxx products and not having any shoulder issues (or anything else), I awoke one morning with my arm frozen over my head. When I tried to lower the arm, my shoulder screamed in pain. I admit I was not wearing any HPT products at the time because it’s summer and I feel great all the time! But now… The pain was almost unbearable. I have become so used to living without any pain that this was killing me! I slowly rolled myself out of bed and carefully put on my socks. I just recently received my new Super Patches and was already wearing the Peace patch for stress and Defend Patch for my general health, with great results so I immediately opened up the Freedom Patch package and placed a patch on my shoulder. I was in agony! I couldn’t touch it and knew something happened. No pills taken - and no ice or heat on it. After a few hours of wearing my socks and my Freedom patch, the pain was subsiding quite a bit and I was able to move again without much problem unless I reached too far but definitely better than when I woke up. After only 2 days with a new patch on each morning - my shoulder was completely normal again. I could even swim in the lake and enjoy full movement! I am absolutely amazed by the speedy recovery of my shoulder. I stopped wearing the Freedom Patch after only a few days and now a week later I still feel great! So thankful for this incredible technology!🙏


Jill & Robert Cox

Today I had my infed infusion, I wore my liberty and peace patches….but after the infusion I was having a hard time catching my breathe, my heart was fluttering, and cramping chest pain into my back…all effects of the infusion for me, it’s uncomfortable but not life-threatening….I just had my daughter put a Freedom patch on my left side of my back where the cramping pain was shooting to…almost immediately the pain lessened and in turn making it so much easier to breathe🎉🎉🎉 So instead of going to the ER, I get to spend a nice quiet evening with my daughter…Jay, thank God for you💞


Virginia Humphreys

"Well, our tech saved me again. Tonight I was chasing my son's dog trying to catch him when he darted out of the house. I started chasing him and I tripped over a tree stump and fell flat on my face. (It was very dark outside). I got up, started chasing him again. I finally caught him after running for 3 blocks. I had him by the collar and he started wiggling and trying to get away from me. He got in front of me and tripped me and I fell flat on my face again. Talk about having your bell ring. I was in la la land. My husband helped me in the house. It took me about 45 minutes to get my bearings leveled out. Then I felt fine. I was wearing my wellness socks, a Defend patch and a Peace patch. I'm 66. That kind of trauma is hard on an old body. Without the tech, I'm sure I would've gone to the ER. I sure would've loved to see my brain scan go from trauma back to homeostasis in that 45 minutes."


Edna Kerrigan

"I was in the dentist chair for an hour today - first time in 3 years (me bad but I kept hoping the craziness of the times would get over). I swear these patches helped me stay calm and fairly relaxed - before, during and since the appointment. Of course I always pair them up with HPT by wearing the socks."


Sandra Burtch

These are my very favourite of the new patches. I am an educational assistant and am involved with the CUPE strike that may happen again Monday. I was so anxious when we went out on Nov. 4th and these really helped keep me calm and my mind wasn’t so focused on it. I also grind my teeth at night and these have really helped me stop that, I am currently waiting for a new pack to arrive. I use the esleeve in the meantime and always have the socks or/and liberty and always my defend patch too!


Sue Hansen

"I’m so excited for Kiya!! Just returned from her IEP meeting!!! Follow up on Kiya’s goal to get off medications that’s she’s been on since the age of 4. She was diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum with ADHD, mood disorders, PTSD, extreme anxiety and sleep disorder. Kiya wears the Bella insoles with the HPT technology in her shoes, plus she is also wearing the Peace, Focus and Flow patches. It’s been 6 weeks now and she has achieved so much in this short period of time. She has gone from a D student not able to focus to an A and B student!! Everyone in the meeting couldn’t believe how well she can focus now, no issues anymore with shaking nervousness. Her concentration is on target!!! I’m so happy she took a chance with this amazing technology. Because of her sensory issues, it was a struggle at first to get her to wear the patches God bless the developer “Jay Dhaliwal” of this amazing technology and to all the others who make these miracles happen. Thank you. "


Marvel McAmmond

My mom has Alzheimer’s. On December 10, in anticipation of taking her to a surprise 60th wedding anniversary party, I put Flow and Peace patches on her.  She did really well that day. She continued to wear them, and when they came to us for Christmas, dad said that she had barely stopped knitting since I had left two weeks previous. This was pretty awesome because she had all but forgotten how to knit. She get halfway through the roll, and couldn’t remember how to make the next stitch, and she certainly could not remember how to cast off. She continue to make scarves here for her first week until I dug out jigsaw puzzles. She did three jigsaws of over 500 pieces each in six days! This absolutely would not have been possible without those two patches! I’ve got the same ones on my dad, but we aren’t having as good results with him. his memory loss has more to do with stress and Covid fog. I am planning on adding the defend patch to his regimen. I am SO THANKFUL!


Candy Scott

I had some dental work done a week ago, I have a few fillings that have aged out and need replacing and last week I had a LARGE filling, done in the upper back area of my mouth. It wasn’t too bad ( Peace Patch alleviates my stress) but as expected, from all the awkward positioning my jawbone has been a little sore and tender. 6 years ago before I was introduced to the SuperPatch/Voxxlife products I used to pop Tylenol and Advil like smarties when I was dealing with chronic osteoarthritis and neuropathy pain. I shudder to think of the damage it was causing and I’m so grateful for how these neurotech solutions helped me get out of that mess to the point where I very RARELY take a pain med. I had applied my daily use Freedom Pain Patch on my lower leg earlier that day but have heard that applying the pain patch close to the discomfort is recommended and this pain was kind of extra and new, so I thought…..Why not❓What If….. So I reached for a patch instead of a pill, not really expecting anything to change. I was so delighted to be proven wrong!!! 🤗 I paid attention, noted the time and I swear within 10 minutes I said to myself “I think the pain is diminishing” by 15 minutes I was absolutely certain, it was gone‼️ I poked and prodded a few times in amazement and the jaw bone which had been sore to tender for a week had diminished in discomfort by at least two thirds and the “toothache” was GONE.


Ric Ireland

Yesterday Feb.25/23 we got some snow in Vancouver. I was helping my son park a truck with a large trailer behind it. It was a little dark out. At the end of our yard at the end of my neighbours driveway there is a little hole. well I decided to step into it and take a tumble. I could feel the pain welling in my shoulders and knees. I figures I would not be able to move this morning. For those who know me they will tell you I have a non-existent fuse when it comes to anger. Yesterday morning I put on my freedom , liberty and decided to try the peace patch to see if it would help. I am delighted to say that after my tumble I picked my sorry butt up and went in the house cleaned myself up and then noticed I was not upset at all WOW. This morning I woke up and climbed out of bed without even a sore or stiff joint. Another WOW. Incredible is all I can say. I am sorry to have rambled on but someone maybe needed to see this. Thank you for taking time to read this

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